COOKIES POLICY – Extended statement

What are cookies? Cookies are small text strings that the websites visited send to the devices, where they are stored and relayed once the user visits the website again. Cookies may perform different functions and have got different features. Data Controller can use cookies either by Third Parties. Here below you’ll find all the information related to cookies used by the present website, together with the instructions which will help you to manage your cookies preferences. For further information about cookies please visit;
Cookies used by the present website The use of cookies is included in privacy policy – general conditions issued by Data Controller, company ENERION RENEWABLES SRLS, Via Monte Nero 2, 22100 Como (CO).  For Privacy Policy pursuant section 13 of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 click here. Technical cookies that don’t require user consent: The present website uses technical cookies strictly necessary for the functioning of the website and to save the user’s preferences and to optimize website functions. We also use Third Part statistic cookies (Google Analytics) – set as technical cookies: without profiling IP user address and without sharing users data with the Third Part (Google). 
These cookies are used to collect information on user behaviour on the website, to collect information on the activity of users on the site, how they landed on the Site and for anonymous statistical analysis. Privacy Policy: Cookie Policy:   Opt-Out: All technical cookies do not require user’s consent, this is why they are install automatically following the user access to the website. Cookies that require user’s consent All cookies different from technical cookies above mentioned are installed / activate only after user prior express consent to be released on the first visit on the website. The consent may be expressed in general manner, by interact with cookie banner, according to the different modality explained in the banner (e.g. by click on OK button or X banner; by continuing the visit on the website, by scrolling down or link); otherwise the consent may be supplied / not supplied in a selective way, following the modalities below. Your consent will track in occasion of different and future website visits.
Users have, in any case, the right to revoke – at all or partially – your expressed consent. Cookie managed by Third Parties Through this website we install Third Part cookies. Here below we supply you with some instructions and a link to Third Part privacy policy together with consent form. You can express your consent for the use of all the cookies by continuing to visit this website or by closing this pop-up. Advertising | Profiling cookies We use cookies to provide advertisement based on users interest shown through web navigation (OBA) Here below we supply you with some instructions and a link to Third Part privacy policy together with consent form.



Doubleclick For more information see


1 year


Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user. 


Google AJAX Search API For more information see


Insert expiration


This cookie provides users with the typeahead feature available in various search bars across the site. This provides keyword suggestions and helps refine search queries.

Remember that you can manage your cookies preferences through browser setting. If you don’t know type / version of your browser, please click on “help” button, in the up right corner of this window. Here you’ll find all the necessary information. If you know the type/version of your browser please click on the correspondent link below to access the cookies managing page. Internet Explorer Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari For further information please visit Update: 29 July 2019